Twitter acquires blogging site Posterous to improve sharing

Founded in 2008, Posterous, which has gone head to head with Tumblr (a more popular simple blogging site), emerged from the well-known Silicon Valley technology incubator, Y Combinator.

The company’s team will be joining Twitter’s developers, as part of the deal, the company announced in a blog post.

Today we are welcoming a very talented group from Posterous to Twitter,” a Twitter spokesman wrote on the company blog. “This team has built an innovative product that makes sharing across the web and mobile devices simple—a goal we share. Posterous engineers, product managers and others will join our teams working on several key initiatives that will make Twitter even better.”

They added: “We’re always looking for talented people who have the passion and personality to join Twitter. Acquisitions have given us people and technology that have enabled us to more quickly build a better Twitter for you.”

On the Posterous company blog, the team wrote: “The opportunities in front of Twitter are exciting, and we couldn’t be happier about bringing our team’s expertise to a product that reaches hundreds of millions of users around the globe. Plus, the people at Twitter are genuinely nice folks who share our vision for making sharing simpler."

Twitter assured Posterous users that they are no imminent plans to shut the site down, once the team come in-house.

However, it hinted, via its company blog, that the site could be changed at the some point: “Posterous Spaces will remain up and running without disruption. We’ll give users ample notice if we make any changes to the service. For users who would like to back up their content or move to another service, we’ll share clear instructions for doing so in the coming weeks.”

Marco Arment, Tumblr’ co-founder and Instapaper creator, called the Twitter purchase a simple “talent acquisition” which would result in the closure of Posterous.

“And how is Posterous going to stay alive with no staff?,” Arment wrote on his personal blog.

“This was a quiet talent acquisition. I give Posterous less than 6 months before it’s euphemistically “sunset”.”

There is a growing trend for large technology companies to buy smaller start-ups purely to recruit the developers behind the services, which results in the website subsequently being shut down.

Over the weekend, Gowalla, the location-sharing service was closed down, having been ‘acquired’ by Facebook three months earlier.

The Telegraph