This ain't Tom Cruise's first
rodeo movie, folks.
In fact, this isn't even his first time playing a part like the one he's set to play in One Shot. But some fans of the book that the movie is based on are acting like it is.
See, the character Tom's taking on measures up at over six feet tall. And let's be honest, height is not exactly what Tommy's known for in this town. But T.C. wants you to know that's what he lacks in stature he makes up for in...
Well, let's let Tom tell you:
"I'm very sensitive to it," says Tom told Empire about the fans' reaction to the (obvious) height difference. "This is Lee [Childs'] book and Lee's character. Him giving me his blessing is what made me do it. If he hadn't then I wouldn't have done it."
Let's give you some background, shall we? Tom is playing Jack Reacher the six-foot-five-inch ex-military buff turned homicide investigator out to find truth. Which is right up T.C.'s alley—Mission: Impossible and Knight and Day, anyone?
The flick is based off the book of the same name and has developed a very noisy fan base. One that wasn't too keen on the idea of five-foot-seven-inch Tom Cruise playing a dude almost a foot taller than he is.
But Tom does indeed have Lee's blessing for the role.
Lee said earlier this year, "People think we should have had an actor that looks more like Reacher is described in the books. First of all there aren't any such actors, so it's much more a question of which actor has the talent and screen presence to create what Reacher does on the screen, and that really comes down to finding the actor with the most talent."
Well, duh.
Now, how can anyone argue with that? Plus, let's face it, with all the tricks of the trade in H'wood, Cruise could look like the Jolly Green Giant if he needed. So give the guy a chance and at least wait until the trailer comes out to bash him.